Why Creative Arts?

We have been using creative tools for nearly 2 decades to engage with children and young people, ranging from primary and secondary students, looked after and fostered children, CIN and those on CP plans, to young offenders aged 10-17 in a secure safe centre.

Many children and young people find that using the creative arts and game play is an accessible way to explore and express their feelings and can be more effective than talking.


Many teenagers prefer to draw or use music production and singing to express themselves. All children and young people enjoy being creative, be it visually or with sound.


By creating a safe, trusting and calm environment, they can and do achieve their potential.


Below are links to the Advotalk YouTube channel showcasing students work created during Advotalk sessions. All pieces of work feature drawings, paintings, modelling/animation, tracing, mixed media and music production by primary and secondary students. All tracks featured on videos were also produced by students during Advotalk sessions.

For more  videos, please feel free to check our YouTube Channel

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